Fougere CoA

Bob's WebPage

Welcome to our WebSite



From here you can go to the other parts of the site.



In the side bar you can click to go to the major pages and from there you will be able to go to related pages or return to any of the other major pages.


Try it out, you may find something of interest to you.


On the travel page the Mediterranean and Baltic sections are complete, and the Alaska page is almost done. In 2015 we headed back to Europe.


I have started to update the blog section. Under government there is a 'Federal' section that was set up to reflect information we hoped would help everyone get ready for the election last year. This may have made a difference because the change we wanted did happen (not quite the way we had imagined at the time but the result was good). Now we are again proud to be Canadian.


The pic on the side of this page is us modeling sweaters knit by Sam. ( A bit of photoshopping managed to get us both in the picture.)


In 2014 we had a great ski trip to Martock with some very special people. Check out some pictures here.


Bob's Portfolio - is a page that was done as part of the web development course I took in the fall of 2012. It has some updates but I still have a bit of work to do to make it more usable in this context. Perhaps we can talk Sam into doing something similar.


We recently included an alpha list of movies we now have. This list is from a data base of movies that we like and I (Bob) intend to use this as an opportunity to learn how to use data base applications on the net. Stay tuned.


Just as a point of interest, the water in the header above is from a picture we took at Peggy's Cove.


Contact us:

If you would like to make any comments or give a suggestion on how we could improve the site we would appreciate hearing from you.


One suggestion I received is to put a feedback function directly on the site. I have to figure out how to do that, but that is an objective.

In the meantime just click on the "Contact Us" in the footer and it should open your default email.




UD Jan 1, 2016


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