Fougere CoA

Bob's WebPage

Sicily, Italy

We sailed overnight and arrived in Messina. We did not book a tour that day, instead opting to just go for a stroll in the town. (We relaxed.)


Stromboli1 Stromboli2

Stromboli: an inhabited volcanic island off the north coast of Sicily; one of three active volcanoes in Italy.


A view from the deck

the Harbour

Entering the harbour


The flowers on the bush behind Bob are like bottle washer brushes - fascinating...just like Bob! (Sam)


Kind of like San Francisco

the ship

The Ship


Doesn't he look great! (Bob)

This church we visited while a funeral was underway, the casket lying on the floor.

Lots of Churches

We visited a number of churches on this walk trying to find a Franciscan Rosary for a friend of ours. We were unsuccessful!

Old and New car

The old and the new

This is an old clunker; I couldn't resist.


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