Fougere CoA

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map Lucca and Pisa


Italy - From Livorno to...



Fac1 Fac2

This was a surprise waiting for us.

And here it is!


The original intention was to add a much higher roof line. However,
funds ran out and only the front
facade was completed.

The same church from the side.

arena1 Arena2
Arena3 Arena4

During the Roman times some citizens were forced to live in remote locations such as Lucca. To entertain themselves they built their own local arenas to stage their games, just like in Rome. Originally this was the local arena - in recent years the structure has been turned into housing units and touristy shops/stalls. All 4 pictures go together to form the circle.

Puccini Sam

Hey guy,"What's your hurry?"

The home of Puccini - Who knew?

A street scape

TowF TowB

The tower from the entry point of the area

The tower from the back of the Cathedral

Cathedral Col

This is the Cathedral in front of the tower. You can see the tower peeking out over the roof on the right hand side.

Notice the small Oriental red

porphyry columnette on the right side of the roof line (centre above). According to legend, whoever looks at it is safe from betrayals in love

for a day.

MainDoor Panel

Main Door to the Cathedral

One panel of the door (bronze)


The Baptistry




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