Welcome to my portfolio page!
Setting up this page was a required exercise of a course I took in the fall of 2012:
Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC)
Website Development - WEBD 1000
All of the personal profile part of my site was done by hand coding in HTML. That is a lot more work than using Dreamweaver but the experience has given me a good foundation for my web development skills.
This part of the site has been updated on Nov 27, 2013.
If you would like to contact me this is my home email address.
This is sort of a resume and I will try to keep it updated. I have not included everything that I have done and I just may add more stuff if there is an interest.
I don't think I will be looking for work in the future; then again one never knows.
If something interesting comes along I may just give it a go. Stay tuned!
The haircut was new in 2013 (pic in header). Sam never did like it, but I think it is going to stay.