NS Election - 2013
Government loss of integrity
In the last election I voted for the NDP because I believed in the things that Darell Dexter and his crew were talking about. Unfortunately I was very disappointed with what they actually did.
My general observation, from the standpoint of someone who was very involved on a small "P" political level, is that the tough decisions were made by the senior bureaucrats, even when the results were in direct conflict with the party's stated principles.
Two examples:
The first one is an issue that I was at the table for; Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) for members of the transgender community. (For details see my other blog.) Bottom line - after four long years of frequent discussion where, in my opinion, all of the facts needed to make an evidence based decision were put on the table, the Minister announced that they were not going to implement the required changes.
Fortunately, two days later he called NSRAP to a meeting where he announced that he was going to reverse the decision. From the background it looked very much like the Minister blindly signed a letter, probably prepared by his Deputy, without giving the letter a careful read and thoughtfully reflecting on information available.
As a side note, neither of the other two parties in the House voiced any objection to the final decision. In fact, in the past, the Liberal party has voiced its support for SRS.
The second example is a process that I can evaluate only by reflecting on media coverage. That involved the Home for Colored Children and alleged abuses that took place over many years. I find myself being very embarrassed, as a citizen of NS and as one who supported this government in the last election, because of how this file is being handled.
The folks who were effected and affected are asking for a public inquiry to give a careful and open evaluation of the facts to determine the validity of the accusations.
I think in most peoples' opinion there is, at the very least, some validity to the claims being made. The results of the inquiry would probably be a substantial cash settlement and public apologies for wrongs committed. That is just how it should be. The money is not the issue, really, it is the dignity of individuals that has been compromised - and that kind of crime should receive appropriate consideration.
It appears that this government has made every effort to avoid responsibility under the guise of due diligence. This file has been on their desk for a long time and there is no indication that the government intends to convene an inquiry.
Both of the other parties, during the current campaign, have stated that if elected they will convene an inquiry.
That being said, there are some things that the government has done that I think are good, but to go into the pros and cons of these is beyond the scope of this rant. Suffice it to say that, based on the above and a few other things, I think that in an effort to get re-elected the NDP have compromised themselves to a point where they cannot be trusted. I think that integrity is the most important attribute in public life and when that is lost it is time to throw in the towel.
You may want to read a bit more; I have a rant on seniors' care and as a follow-up to that, I talk about how I think we can save money in the health care system to help pay for seniors' care.
Posted Oct 3, 2013