Nicole Fougere
March 23, 2015
Well, I don't know about Copenhagen, but I'd give any place a try :)
The blog post is pretty good. Given that this will likely be read by people who already know what a scumbag Steve is, there is not likely any need to add in a laundry list of policies, laws, and bills that have gone through under his regime. That said, if you believe this piece may be read by those who are not aware, or if you think there are some interesting insights that the average Canadian may not know, I'd add them in. Things like his clear discrimination against women: i.e. funding cuts for many women's initiatives, banning the niqab, and the fact that Canada has one of the largest gender pay gaps in the developed world. Other items could be this Bill C-51. The list could even be itemized/categorized by issue: gay rights, gender equality, foreign affairs, etc, etc...
I know you put in a call to action for people to add in their thoughts. It would be nice to hear what your thoughts are (in addition to the quoted text from the book).
Anyhoo, that's my two cents!
April 28, 2015
Bruce R Goddard
Subject: Is Canada under Harper the country in which I want to live?
The simple answer is no but I also do not believe that the answer is to abandon ship either. I think we must stay and fight.
Bruce R Goddard