Fougere CoA

Bob's WebPage

We had a Great Tour



Sam at the main entrance looking through the Carrousel du Louvre to the large pyramid.

When we looked through the same arch from the other direction, to our amazement, we discovered that this arc the

Luxor Obelisk and the Arc de Triomphe are aligned.

This is a reminder of Dan Brown...

Inside the main entrance is this dynamic staircase...

The treads and risers are designed to minimize energy required to climb.
The elevator rises through the middle of the spiral...Super Cool.

This disk spins on the pedestal and if you watch the images on the side you get the allusion that the horse and rider are moving. (...just like in a film strip or flicking cards...)

The First Movie


(Venus to the Romans)
...Cupid lifts his beloved Psyche in a tender embrace...

The Gladiator (Greek)

...the shield strap on the left arm may indicate that he was not a Gladiator but a Warrior...

Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss

The Dying Slave

...superbly young and handsome, and apparently in a deep (perhaps eternal) sleep. 

The Rebel Slave

...a coarser figure whose whole body seems engaged in a violent struggle. 

The Slaves

... intended to adorn the tomb of Pope Julius II.

The Winged Victory of Samothrace a Greek sculpture of of the goddess Nike , the personification of victory, placed on the front of a ship.

The Fortune Teller

(Second Version)
An over dressed rich boy with a gypsy palm reader. The boy looks pleased as he gazes into her face, and she returns his gaze. Close inspection of the painting reveals what the young man has failed to notice: the girl is removing his ring as she gently strokes his hand.

La Grande Odalisque odalisque (a female slave of the harem; the household of the sultan)
This painting is a bit weard...for example, the upper arm seems long?
That is just one thing; can you see more?

The Mona Lisa

... one of the few paintings attributed with certainty to 
Leonardo da Vinci .

Our Guide - Deborah Cohen

She did a great job!

We are just about to leave for a great lunch.





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