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Copenhagen, Denmark
At the end of the cruise




Opened on August 15, 1843, Tivoli Gardens is the second oldest amusement park in the world and reputedly
"...the world´s most popular city park."


The mascot

Enter this way please!


The Indian Palace

A view of the rollercoaster and pagoda

The Weathergirl

K10 K20

One of the landmarks of Copenhagen.

On the corner of the Richshuset building is the "weathergirl" who comes out under an umbrella if it is raining and riding a bicycle if the weather is good. In the left picture you can see the thermometer running up the side of the building (the red lights).

City Hall and Town Square


The City Hall is an important landmark to the residents. Note the building icons top and left.

The Town Square (above) is a social centre of the city. On this day there was a giant yard sale going on. Fortunately we were able to resist all the bargains! Strange how a lot of what we saw there was very similar to what we would see at a similar event at home.

The Palace and Jewish Museum

N Q20

Sam at the Christiansborg Palace
(It is just on the other side of this tower were many International Archery Tournaments are held.)

The Jewish Museum


The cortyard at the
Jewish Museum



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