Fougere CoA

Bob's WebPage

Day tour from Monte Carlo
To Eze and Nice

The horrible weather is very evident in these photos.
Our second stop was EZE, an ancient village perched on top of a mountain. It was first occupied about 2000 BC. As you go through the village you can see things that date back that far; check out the pics!

The red line on the map is our route for the day.



Garden OT1
The Gardens

View to the east

View2 View3

View to the west

OT1 OT-to Church

Going through this tunnel you arrive at what is now a Christian Chapel.

TheGang TheGang_2

Ernie, Sam and Stephen

Bob, Stephen and Ernie

(It was WET!)


I couldn't resist taking this one...not sure how pigs survive for 4,000 years!





Our first stop for the day was Nice. It was raining so hard we didn't even walk around other than a stop or two in a tourist stall. We stumbled into this Irish Pub run by Canadians - and you thought we were in did we!! It felt just like home!

Didn't take one was not so nice in Nice.


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