Learning Narratives and Reflections
My philosophy is that learning is a lifelong endeavor. I find myself frustrated because there are so many things I don't know about or don't know enough about. That is why I enrolled in the Web Development and Macroeconomics courses.
As a direct result of completing these challenges, among my next challenges were to learn more about HTML code, Dreamweaver, Photoshop and other related programs that I was introduce to.
As I am getting more involved in archery I have been certified in two programs and I am working on a third.
I am well on my way to developing proficiency in these subjects.
Another objective I have is to refine my skill in database management and manipulation. Therefore I am keen to becoming more efficient in Access and start to develop a working knowledge of SQL database systems.
Even in my old age I continue to work hard to expand my skills and knowledge. That describes the ethos of my learning philosophy.